How to Install Android on Your PC

  • 1.Oracle VM VirtualBox - Download the latest version of here
  • 2.Android x86 4.2 Image - Download the Android 4.2 image from here
  • 1.Install VirtualBox on your PC
  • 2.Open VirtualBox and select New. In the dialog box enter the name as your wish and select
    i)Type : Linux
    ii)Version : Other Linux
    and select Next
  • 3.In the next dialog box enter the memory size as your wish
Note : Minimum 512Mb required for JellyBean
and select Next
  • 4.In the next dialog box select create a virtual hard drive now. Then select VDI and select fixed or dynamically allocated as your wish and create the virtual drive
Note : Mininimum 1 GB required for installation
  • 5.Select Virtual device and select settings, a dialog box appears. In the dialog box select
    i)Storage->Storage Tree->Empty
    ii)In the attributes section select the Android 4.2 iso file you downloaded and check Live Cd/Dvd, then click Ok
Here's how to install Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean on your PC

  • 6.Then start the virtual device. In the screen select Install Android-x86 to hard disk.
Here's how to install Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean on your PC

  • 7.In the next screen select Create/Modify Partition.
Here's how to install Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean on your PC

  • 8.Then create a new primary bootable partition and select write. After finishing writing select quit.
Here's how to install Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean on your PC

  • 9.Then install android in sda1 and select type as ext3 , choose yes for installing grub.
  • 10.After installing remove live iso from VirtualBox and reboot. Now you can boot into Android 4.2.2.
You are done.
Cheers, enjoy.....
Some of Screenshots


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