How to Speed up Your PC Without Any Software

 Startup Programs

1) Click Start> Run...  

2) Type msconfig in the text box, then Hit OK

3) Go to Startup Tab

4) Disable all the unimportant programs (such as: MSN, Skype, Facebook update, Google Update...)

5) Click OK and restart the computer.

Uninstall Unnecessary Programs

1) Go to Control Panel

2) Under Programs click Uninstall Programs

3) There, you can uninstall all unnecessary programs (such as: App Updater...)

Use USB Flash as RAM

You can profit from your USB Flash drive as RAM Memory and boost the performance of your computer. You can follow the tutorial from here:
How to Use USB Flash as RAM Memory

Clean Temporary and Unused Files

1) Go to Computer

2) Right Click the Drive you want to clean (e.g: C:\ )
3) Click Properties

4) Click Disk Cleanup

5) Wait a little, select the stuffs you want to Clean (such as: Temporary Internet Files, Offline Webpages...)
6) Click OK then Delete Files

Done! Remember to restart your Computer after such a long changes. Hope it helped you too.


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