Dell Star Of Fun Contest By Dell India : Win 10 Bluetooth Headsets Every Week. Grand Prize : Dell Inspiron 14Z Computer !!!

Dell India presents Dell Star Of Fun Contest.
10 Bluetooth Headsets are up for grabs Every Week !!!
Thats not all, there is a Grand Prize : Dell Inspiron 14Z Computer !!!

How the contest works

1) Star of Fun application will give each participant an initial Fun score to start with. The application
scans your top 10 most interactive photo/video posts to calculate the initial Fun score.(Interactions are
calculated based on likes, comments, shares, friends participating from invitation)
2) Fun Score will be calculated based on interactions, 1 point for ‘like’, 2 for ‘comment’ 3 for ‘shares’.
3) The Application will suggest the participants on how to improve the score by sharing fun images/
4) The participant will be able to star other’s posted photos and videos to increase Fun score
(see point 3)
5)The application allows you to invite friends to participate the contest. Participant’s friend using the
application will increases Fun score. (see point 3)

winner of the Contest will be selected on 1st September, 2012 by a panel of 2 judges from Dell
India Brand Managing team. The participant with the highest Fun score will win the contest, along with
weekly winners.

How To Participate

Like THIS FB PAGE and follow On-Screen instructions.


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